Friday, September 19, 2008

Wah ad Test....

TEst,TEst,TEst,TEst,TEst,many kind of test....
Physics,calculus test that drive me crazy...

huhu,tomorrow i will seat for physics second test...
hopes that this second test will be much more better than the first test...pray for my success and wish me luck...

Arghhhhh,doraemon xbt kuar alat baru ke?
huhu kn best ad alt yg bt xkantoi ble meniru...
anyway,the segari energy venture scholarship interview was the best interview that i have technical question!!!
they just asking a simple question and the interviewers are just only to see the way i communicate with them and the appearance...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


huhu,da lme ak xupdate ak pnye blog ni....
pe bleh wat...
cibuk jerk memanjang....
aritu pada 10/9 diadakan annual general meeting for prs....
and i'm the one who become a candidate for the prs election...
thanx to God coz i win the election....

huhu,ak diamanahkan oleh presiden prs uniten tuk menjadi
ketua biro ttk(tugas2 khas) n akademik....
wah,tanggungjawab yang besar bg ak sbgi org baru dlm prs uniten...

anyway,this thursday 18th september,once again i have to attend for interview
for scholarship segari venture...
huhu,yg powertek aritu xdpt....alhamdulillah ad twrn len yg mendatang...
wish me luck n pray for my success...